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TIL – Linking (and attaching) a local image in Lektor

·207 words·1 min
TIL Lektor
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While trying to post the previous item, I couldn’t get the local image to display. I tried placing the PNG file in the post folder with the file, then linking with ![alt-text](image.png), but couldn’t get the page to render with the image.

I found an old StackExchange response that suggested placing the image in the assets/static folder, then setting the path to /static/assets/image.png, but that didn’t net me any results.

Oddly enough, when I view the web editor, the image is listed as an attachment to the page…

As a next step, I started investigating how Lektor handles paths. From a brief read on that page, it seems like the image should be able to reside in the same folder as the post file, and the path just needs to be image.png, but this definitely doesn’t work. What am I doing wrong?


I’m so dumb… Because of the text cropping, I couldn’t tell that the name of my image was misspelled… instead of screenshot_pattern_edit.png, it was named screenshot_patter_edit.png, and that missing “n” made all the difference in the world. Now that I spelled it correctly, the image is attaching correctly. I think I’ll stick with Lektor now, since it was entirely my fault.

Misspelled filename isn’t shown because the window edge clips the end of the filename.