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About Me

160 words·1 min

I’m a research associate in electronics at Hunter College trained in instrumental and inorganic chemistry, specifically in low-temperature optical and nuclear magnetic resonance processes in GaAs (a bit of optics, some cryogenics, some high power RF electronics, and a bit of solid-state physics).

In my current position, I perform routine (and not so routine) maintenance on a number of systems, ranging from simple repairs on rotary evaporators, chillers, and spectrophotometers to triage maintenance on the electron microscope. I also operate the two 3D printers for the chemistry department (an Ultimaker 3 FDM printer and a Form 2 SLA printer). On the side, I’ve been working to teach myself Python and set up a Jupyter-based curriculum for our second-semester Physical Chemistry lab (kinetics and quantum chemistry).

This site includes musings on electronics repair, facility maintenance, coding, and Apple-related technology by a chemist and self-identified jack-of-all-trades (and as a consequence, master of none).


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